Victor Ruiz

FullStack Developer


  • Knight (Work In Progress) link to knight system design repository link to pokedex

    It is a Design System with a color palette inspired by a Genshin Impact character.

    React Tailwind Vite Typescript StoryBook Active
  • Navia (Work In Progress) link to cold plasma repository

    It is a backend library, in the style of nestjs, in the future it is planned to become independent of express with its own base backend framework, turning the library into an abstraction layer

    Express Nest Typescript Decorators Active
  • Instagram/Frontend link to cold plasma repository

    It is part of a project that aims to imitate the functionalities of Instagram, at least the main ones.

    React TailwindCSS Zustand Typescript Archive
  • Instagram/Backend link to cold plasma repository

    It is a part of a project that aims to imitate the functionalities of Instagram on the server side

    Express Prisma Typescript Archive
  • Pokedex link to cold plasma repository link to pokedex

    This project was done to apply some of the concepts I learned in a certification, custom hooks, context, etc.

    React CSS Typescript Archive
  • Simplicity link to cold plasma repository

    It is a small project, which seeks to perform some functions of firebase, collection system, authentication, crashlytics

    Nest Prisma Typescript Archive


  • SW Argos [Developer] | 01/2023 - now

    Fullstack developer, migration of desktop applications to a web application (springboot, express and react), website management with drupal, mobile application maintenance

    React Spring Boot Express Postgres SQL Drupal Ionic